12 May, 2012

...so I'm graduating and I get a mixed CD? 

It is true. It is true. Below is a screenshot of my graduate gift CD from a fellow F08-er. I made a mix as well and I have posted the track list above (although I've got to say that the mix I received and the mix I made are epically distinct). MR did a fabulous job interweaving distinct tracks, while I sort of collaged something out of what has already been in my earbuds. My favorites tracks on this mix? "Sweet Soul Music" by Arthur Conley sounds like something that would pop up on my Kickin' Jams Pandora station, while "I Got Loaded" by Little Bob and the Lollipops reminds me of my sophomore year. But it is really all pretty great and also pretty distinct from what I have made the soundtrack to my thesis year. 

Thank you MR for the screenshot!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i want that CD