29 August, 2005

Neruda and Sin City

Pablo Neruda is amazing. I've been reading a book of his translated poetry, and it's gorgeous. My favorite poems are Ode With A Lament, The Great Ocean, and Love Sonnet XVII. Yet again I wish I could speak and read Spanish fluently.

"...Unfortunately, I've nothing to give you but fingernails,
or eyelashes, or melted pianos,
or dreams that bubble up from my heart,
dusty dreams that gallop like black riders,
dreams full of hurry and disfortune..."

- Pablo Neruda

Amid the many things I did yesterday (fleamarket, driving, etc.) I watched Sin City, a movie based on the comic books (graphic novels?) of Frank Miller. It was disturbingly violent, and creepy, including pedophiles and cannibals, but despite this, I enjoyed it. I don't believe I will ever feel the same way about Elijah Wood again though.

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