16 August, 2005

The Click Five

Why do the Click Five annoy me so much? I can usually deal with boy bands. When I was little I was a Backstreet Boys fan. N'Sync wasn't talentless. 98 Degrees was fine. Now the Backstreet Boys can be annoying, but I understand the interest.

Maybe my dislike comes from a Boston Globe article I read last Sunday. It was all about the Click Five. The main idea was that the Click Five (I believe four went to Berklee) are a manufactured band, who are in the music business for the money. I already guessed that before reading the article. How many pop bands come together of their own accord for the betterment of the musical community? Not many. Most of those bands are manufactured. Very few started in their garage. No, this "revelation" didn't throw me. My problem comes from a comment made by their manager that the Click Five could be the next Beatles. What the fuck? Do I need to get my ears checked?

The Beatles are classic. They took chances with pop music that had never been taken. They did insane stuff musically, and they wrote politically challenging lyrics. I apologize if I sound like a cynic, but I highly doubt the Click Five will ever be on the same page with the Beatles.

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