22 February, 2008

Searching for Spring

I can deal with the cold and the wan sunlight. It's easy enough to make yourself warm. The lack of color is what really gets me down, and the smell of nothing, of dirty snow and rotting wood. I miss the life that comes with Spring.

I've been listening to Spring Awakening. The music is gorgeous, the lyrics thoughtful, the sentiment freeing and stifling at the same time. "Don't do sadness" has become my mantra in the past few days, and "Blue Wind" has kept me from drowning in all the white and brown that surrounds me. There are colors somewhere, and warm smells, and I can just see the jonquils and the morning glories to come. John Gallagher Jr. sings like the rock star that he is on Spring Awakening, and I find myself liking his voice and delivery more and more as I listen to the album. With Spring Awakening far from any stage near me, I did what any music-lover would do, I googled John Gallagher and found his Myspace profile. It's about as interesting as my own Myspace page, except that our Mr. Gallagher has more playful answers to his profile questions, a trait I admire in all Myspacers. Levity is something that's needed everywhere, but especially on social networking sites where people tend to take themselves way too seriously. On Gallagher's page I enjoyed his "About Me" section where he writes:

"i can't hold my chopsticks properly. i can't hold my knife and fork properly."

Neither can I, and I was immediately bonded to this Broadway superstar with that simple confession. Here is where my cyber-stalking turned decidedly interesting, Gallagher it seems was recently a member of the band Old Springs Pike. I looked them up, and what do I find but a new obsession in musical form.

Old Springs Pike are excellent, truly excellent. They are one of those bands that you hear and think: Wow, I wish I had a record company so I could record these guys. They make music, not just sound. Lyrically they are very intense, quite clever, and exciting. I can't do justice to their sound with all my little words, so I guess I'll just have to let you listen for yourself. This is a new song called "Goodbye Midnight". I get chills when I listen.

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