10 June, 2006

Pride & Prejudice by Jean-Yves Thibaudet

The soundtrack to the latest rendition of Jane Austen's book Pride & Prejudice is as gorgeous as the movie. If that statement seems ambiguous watch the movie (and by the way it's GORGEOUS!) The soundtrack builds off haunting piano tracks and tunes perfect for holding grande balls, and creates a world that threatens to wrap you up and consume you within its reality. It excites all the right emotions for the movie at exactly the right moments, and besides being completely wonderful soundtrack music, it is also gorgeous on its own. Striking all the right chords (literally), creating the perfect dramatic tension, rising to the occasion, ending with catharsis, and in between being just amazingly beautiful, this is the soundtrack for rainy days and solemn nights, for sunny mornings and long summers, the falling of autumn leaves and mid-afternoon naps, this is the soundtrack for life!

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